Here is my Telebugs Robosona S.O.P.H.I.E. (Sweet Overly Polite Helping Ideas Enthusiast.) and Sunny from Little Live Pets as a Telebugs Petsona. Telebugs is made by Telemagination, Telebug Enterprises. Little Live Pets is made by Moose Toys. S.O.P.H.I.E. belongs to me.
Here is a Horror Movie Idea out of BBC's character Mr. Blobby from Noel's House Party. Inspired by The Banana Splits Movie, Willy's Wonderland and the Five Nights at Freddy's Movie. Credit to BBC, Warner Bros., Screen Media Films and Universal Pictures. Thank you.
Here is Inktober 2023 Day 5 Map. It has Rabbits, Ducks, Pigs, Sheep, Foxes, Deer, Badgers, Flamingoes, Swans, Ostriches, Camels, Chameleons, Turtles, Frogs, Mice, Rats, Moles, Snails, Parrots, Doves, Cats and Dogs in the map in form of a Mini Zoo. Thank you.
Here is Inktober 2023 Day 4 Dodge. It involves Eevee from Pokémon dodging Meowth from Pokémon using Slash. Pokémon is made by Nintendo and Game Freak. Thank you.
Here is truetelebugsfan468's Birthday Picture! I did my Tabaluga Owl Original Character Cornelius performing sawing two volunteers who are my Tabaluga Ogre Original Character Gruntward and my Tabaluga Child Villain Original Character Screamery and Happy the Arctic Hare from Tabaluga and my Tabaluga Ermine Original Character Ilsa tickle Gruntward and Screamery's feet whilst Gruntward and Screamery are both sawed in half. Tabaluga is made by Peter Maffay and Yoram Gross. Ilsa, Cornelius, Gruntward and Screamery belong to me. Thank you.
Here is Inktober 2023 Day 3 Path. it involves Happy, Digby and Kayo from Tabaluga, Ilsa, Winter and Claus (My three Tabaluga Original Characters.) having a Nature Walk along a path like: Animals like a Hedgehog and a Snail as an example, Muddy Puddles and Autumn Leaves. Tabaluga is made by Peter Maffay and Yoram Gross. Ilsa, Winter and Claus belong to me. Thank you.
Here is Inktober 2023 Day 2 Spiders. It involves a Return of Spindleshanks from Grizzly Tales for a 9th to Onward Seasons, if they come out. Grizzly Tales is made by Jamie Rix, Honeycomb Animation and Elephant Productions. Thank you.
Here is Inktober 2023 Day 1 Dream. It involves my Tabaluga Binturong Original Character Dreamer dreaming of her favourite food: Cakes, Popcorn and Ice Cream Sundaes. Tabaluga is made by Peter Maffay and Yoram Gross. Dreamer belongs to me. Thank you.
Here is December starring truetelebugsfan468's Tabaluga Original Characters Tabalizzie and Carlo and my Tabaluga Original Characters Prince Larry in Dragon Form and Mushi the Japanese Dragon are decorating a Christmas Tree with their pets Sunshine the Duck, Shirley the Swan, Marquez the Donkey and Marian the Horse as a team. Tabaluga is made by Peter Maffay and Yoram Gross. Tabalizzie, Carlo and Marquez belong to truetelebugsfan468. Sunshine, Larry, Shirley, Mushi and Marian belong to me. Thank you.
Here is November starring my Tabaluga Original Characters Eben the Ukrainian Dragon, Emily the Ukrainian Dragon, Prince Snow Glow in Dragon form and Prince Landry in Dragon Form skiing down a Steep, Snowy Hill and their pets Matthew the Silver Fox, Kira the Timber Wolf, Yuri the Siberian Husky and Patrick the Basset Hound are on Snowboards joining in the fun. Tabaluga is made by Peter Maffay and Yoram Gross. Eben, Emily, Snow Glow, Landry, Matthew, Kira, Yuri and Patrick belong to me. Thank you.
Here is me asking my mummy for new accounts coming soon who are: Twitter, Furrifanity, Weasly and Tumblr for my best friend Alex the Blue Fox. If we can think of some for safety, I have a Neopets Account, a Deviantart account, a Blog account, a Facebook account and a Youtube Account. Neopets belong to Viacom. Thank you.
Here is October starring my Tabaluga Original Characters Tara the Fairy Dragon and Shadow Tom in Dragon Form and their cats Rosebud the Mix Breed and Midnight the Bombay Cat in their costumes for Halloween. Tara is dressed as Sailor Moon and Rosebud is dressed as Luna and Shadow Tom is dressed as Batman and Midnight is dressed as Robin, under the Mountains at Night. Tabaluga is made by Peter Maffay and Yoram Gross. Sailor Moon is made by Toei Animation. Batman is made by DC Comics. Tara, Rosebud, Shadow Tom and Midnight are made by me.
Here is September starring my Tabaluga Original Characters Tommy the Danish Dragon, Tilly the Finnish Ice Dragon, Annabelle the Canadian Dragon, Leroy in Dragon Form and Swamp Bandit in Dragon Form and truetelebugsfan468's OC Toxic Penny in Dragon Form collecting Autumn Leaves for Harvest Day as their pets Campion the Red Fox, Snowdrop the Arctic Fox, Arthur the Egret, Spike the Ocelot, Jewel the Turkish Van and Piles the Beaver collect food like a Blackberry, a Blueberry, a Green Apple, a Carrot, a Pumpkin and Sweet Corn for the Harvest Festival. Tabaluga is made by Peter Maffay and Yoram Gross. Toxic Penny belongs to truetelebugsfan468. Tommy, Campion, Tilly, Snowdrop, Leroy, Arthur, Swamp Bandit, Spike, Jewel, Annabelle and Piles belong to me. Thank you.