Saturday 1 April 2017

The Nintendogs Movie

Here is a Japanese, Chinese, Korean and North American film about 4 Girls named Bonnie, Jenny, Joyce and Sophie buy Nintendogs, Sophie gets the Dachshund Version, Jenny gets the Chihuahua Version, Bonnie gets the Labrador Version and Joyce gets the Dalmatian Version. Sophie's  First Dog is a Golden Retriever and names her J.J., Jenny's first dog is a Creamish-White Chihuahua and names her Angel, Bonnie's first dog is a Cream Labrador Retriever and names her Daisy and Joyce's first dog is a German Shepherd and names her Rosa. They train the pups and win every competition from Obedience, Agility to Disc and get 1st prize trophy and get 2 other dogs in their games (Only unlocked ones.) Bonnie buys a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and names her Belle and and many contests later buys a Siberian Husky and names her Crystal and after more training and contests from the girls, Jenny buys a Beagle and names her Lola and after so many contests she buys a Toy Poodle and names her Gigi, and after contests and walks from 2 remaining girls Sophie and Joyce obtain a Jack Russel Book each and Sophie Obtains a Fireman's helmet and Joyce obtains a Japanese Print Collar and after many contests and winnings Sophie buys a Jack Russel Terrier and names her Katie and after so many contest she buys a Dalmatian and names her Sasha and after the many contests Joyce Buys a Miniature Dachshund and names her Maya and a few contests she buys a Shiba inu and names her Yuna and win all the contests and play with their dogs happily at the end. Thank you.

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