Tuesday 6 July 2021

My Secret life of pets OCs


Here are my twelve "The secret life of pets." Original characters who are: Princess: a Turkish Angora-Persian mix kitten who is pampered and generous, Cole: A Jack Russell-Pomeranian-Dalmatian-Poodle mix puppy who wants to follow in his parents and grandparents: Max and Gidget's paw-prints, Snowdrop: a white Fancy mouse baby who loves playing with Princess, Wendy: a Chicken chick who loves singing and dancing and was rescued by a vegetarian family, Zipper: a turtle hatchling who is fond of yoga and sports, Phoebe: a blue-morph Arctic fox cub who was rescued from a fur farm by a zoo ranger, Lenny: a brown Fancy rat baby who likes talking to Cole or hanging out, Misty: a white rabbit baby who is Snowball's niece and is girly and cute, Victor: a Silver fox cub who was rescued from a fur farm and is Cole's adopted twin brother, Silver: a baby mole who was rescued by Wendy's owners, Pepe: a common frog tadpole who lives in a goldfish bowl and Blossom: a chameleon hatchling who is kind and shy and lives with Princess and Snowdrop. Thank you. Credit to Universal studios.

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